

Sabre64 feedback Survey

Your feedback is greatly appreciated as we strive to constantly improve Sabre64, and produce a high-quality product that satisfies our clients' needs. Thank you.


Overall, how satisfied are you with Sabre64?


What do you feel is Sabre64 most impressive feature/capability?


Please take a few seconds to describe the most important benefits you feel you've received from Sabre64 (i.e. what does it do for you, personally, that you appreciate?):

How satisfied are you with Sabre64 & Rushton International regarding the following items: (very dissatisfied, dissatisfied, somewhat satisfied, satisfied, very satisfied)

Sabre64 quality/features
Sabre64 value  
Sabre64 installation/training experience
Sabre64 usage experience 
Service/customer support (after purchase)

Would you recommend Sabre64 to others?

Why or why not?

What recommendations do you have for improving Sabre64?


In thinking about your most recent experience with Rushton International, was the quality of service/support you received...

Very Unsatisfactory

If it could be improved, please describe how:


Please take a minute to give feedback on anything the survey didn't cover:








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